Friday, November 20, 2009

So, here it is...
I have carpal tunnel in my left hand.  I have had it for awhile but only lately has it really hurt.  Thats why my arm and hand were numb and painful.  It still is.  I find out on Wed.  whether or not I will require surgery.  Huge bummer.  Oh yeah here is the topper, I havent smoked in two months but I gained 13 pounds and now my blood pressure is out of control.... so Im on blood pressure medicine.  So the hits keep on coming.  Now that I have mastered the non smoking thing Im really going to try harder on the sugar thing.   My doc believes Im a good candidate for lap band surgery so depending on how much weight I lose I will be seeing a surgeon about that as well in a couple of months.  I dont want to die of a stroke and the way my blood pressure is right now I am leaning towards it.