Monday, October 19, 2009

October 19th 2009

So, Brandon and I did some bible studing. 
In our quest to find more about our Lord we stumbled on Matthew 16:24-25
Yeah the old take up the cross and die to oneself verse.  I have always understood that verse but never UNDERSTOOD the verse.  I think I UNDERSTAND now.  I have always thought taking up the cross was about behaving like a christian.  I know warped right?  But it is what I thought.  Sooooo, after perusing some commentaries (dont worry I know those are just human opinions) anyhoo, I found this little item.

Matthew 16:24-25 Then Jesus said to His disciples, "If anyone wishes to come after Me, he must deny himself, and take up his cross and follow Me. "For whoever wishes to save his life will lose it; but whoever loses his life for My sake will find it.

The cross was not a burden to bear, but an executioner’s device. A person seen carrying his cross had literally been sentenced to death and was on the way to the place where he would be executed. So the person who “loses his life” is the one who has died to all hopes and dreams that the “self” ever had in this life. He is willing to suffer the loss of everything, even life itself if need be, for the sake of the gospel. His reward is eternal life. The person who considers the things of this life more important than the cross shall lose his life eternally. He has made the things of this life more important than his eternal soul. We are either willing to die to everything through the cross and gain eternal life, or we will cling to the things of this sinful world and gain hell. -Bob DeWaay

A person seen carrying his cross had literally been sentenced to death and was on the way to the place where he would be executed.  That blows me away. 
 But the next line is the real kicker  So the person who “loses his life” is the one who has died to all hopes and dreams that the “self” ever had in this life. 
Just never understood what that meant until now.  Man Im dense.  Not only do I need to give up the material but the spiritual garbage as well.  Taking up my cross means I may not be a famous photographer, wealthy, a perfect mother but if I were to let all the old crap "die" I would leave room for the hopes and dreams that Christ has for me.  Which have to be much better than marrying my Ken doll.  (Ok bizzare I know but I always wanted to be Barbie ok there I said it)  Praise the Lord that I have given up that dream. 
Anyway,  Goal for the week, see what all I can die too.  Hey already have one my smoking addiction. 
Praise to You my Lord and King for taking up Your cross and shedding Your blood for me.  I can not give you anything that can repay the price you paid for me except me.  I can only give myself back to you.  Thank you Jesus for Your grace and mercy.  I am picking up my cross so that I may walk up the hill and die.  This world has nothing for me.