Monday, February 8, 2010

Surgery revisited

January 29th I finally had my surgery for carpal tunnel.  What a relief.  After two weeks my hand is barely sore.  The more I use it the better it gets.  The stiches freaked me out a bit.  It was kinda wierd having a foreign body in my hand on purpose.  Having them removed was a huge relief actually.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010


After 3 months, Im finally getting this carpal tunnel thing taken care of.  Yay, its been uncomfortable but not agonizing.  Thankfully.  Its just been really annoying.  Anyway so there it is.

Friday, November 20, 2009

So, here it is...
I have carpal tunnel in my left hand.  I have had it for awhile but only lately has it really hurt.  Thats why my arm and hand were numb and painful.  It still is.  I find out on Wed.  whether or not I will require surgery.  Huge bummer.  Oh yeah here is the topper, I havent smoked in two months but I gained 13 pounds and now my blood pressure is out of control.... so Im on blood pressure medicine.  So the hits keep on coming.  Now that I have mastered the non smoking thing Im really going to try harder on the sugar thing.   My doc believes Im a good candidate for lap band surgery so depending on how much weight I lose I will be seeing a surgeon about that as well in a couple of months.  I dont want to die of a stroke and the way my blood pressure is right now I am leaning towards it. 

Saturday, November 7, 2009

November 7th

Ever have days like this?  Too fat to scratch?  Man I am so there.
The Lord has cured my taste for alcohol and cigarettes Im praying for him to kill my sugar issue.  Oh great as Im typing my husband hands me a reeses.  He is such an enabler.  I love him anyway.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

November 1st 2009 Supplimental

SO, I am totally bored right now and I feel guilty.
The only excitement going on is Henry is on the roof cleaning pine needles.  Im washing table clothes and Brandon is kinda pissed at me for not wanting to go outside.  I know I should really,  but Im sore and I just dont feel like doing anything. I just want to be under the covers and watch stupid crap on tv.  Love ya hunny, sorry, please dont be mad too long.

November 1st 2009

Man, time is going by so fast.  It's already November.  So anyway after a long night of insomnia I woke up in a really good mood.  Last night I went to church my arms and legs were numb but with these horrible shooting pains.  I was miserable, Ernie, Susan and my wonderful sweet loving husband prayed over me and the Lord healed me.  Pain gone.  Faith is a wonderful thing.  I know without a shadow of doubt that Jesus Christ healed my smoking and my pain.  Now since its the first of the month I know with out a doubt He is going to heal my sugar addiction.  Prasie You Jesus for following through on your promises

Monday, October 26, 2009

My Husband

You gotta love a guy who tries really really hard and fails, then gets back up and tries again.